This series of photographs captures grizzly bears as majestic sentinels of their natural kingdom, their powerful forms seamlessly woven into the fabric of their landscape. Like living camouflage, they stand regal and resolute, symbols of endurance and strength amidst a tapestry of twisted vines, rolling grasses, and fallen forest giants. The landscape embraces them, an intricate union where nature's elements and its creatures become one. The latest pieces are being released for Nikki’s Solo Show.
Join her 5-9pm at The Parker Street Gallery, 1000 Parker Street. January 30th 2025.
‘Guardians of the Wild,The Untamed Connection’
Expedition to Svalbard
The Arctic Circle
‘Polar Angel’
“A project close to my heart- an ongoing collection capturing the spirit of the polar regions through environmental art.”
‘Obsidian Seas & Turquoise Tides’
Nikki Baxendale
Nikki Baxendale is a Canadian artist and photographer whose evocative work bridges the worlds of art and environmental advocacy. Drawing on over three decades of professional experience, her fine art photography and mixed media creations celebrate the beauty of wildlife and remote, imperiled landscapes. Through the dance of refracted light and layered textures, Nikki captures moments of raw beauty, inviting viewers to connect with and protect the natural world. Her work, internationally acclaimed and exhibited, serves as a call to action—fostering a deeper sense of responsibility toward our planet’s fragile ecosystems.